Reading and Word Study Homework Schedule

Homework Schedule

Read at least 20 minutes NIGHTLY!

1st Nine Week Word Study
Homework Schedule

1.   Cut and Sort: Cut your sort and sort them into the same categories you did in class. Look closely at the different features. Write a few sentences describing the feature of the week.


1.   Speed Sort: Write down the time. Sort your words as fast as you can. Write down what time you stopped. Do it again and see if you can beat your time.

    Start Time: ________        Stop Time: ________
         Start Time: ________         Stop Time: ________

2.   Write about what you learned about your words from this word sort. Did you see any patterns? Are there any oddballs? Does one feature have more words than another? Why?


1.   Word hunt- read a book (magazine, newspaper etc., website) and find words that have the SAME feature you are studying this week. DO NOT list the words from your list. These words should be different words but have the same feature.  Write down the words you find.



1.   Sort: Sort your words.
2.   Back Spell or Slap Spell: Spell your words out with a partner either on their back or by slapping hands together as you spell the words.
3.   Practice Test: Ask someone to read the words to you to spell or go on Spelling City and complete the Practice Test. Practice the ones you missed. “Bee” ready for the spelling test tomorrow. 

An additional resource to practice your words throughout the week:

Second 9 Weeks Word Study
Homework Schedule

  1. Cut and Sort: Cut your sort and sort them into the same categories you did in class.
  2. Copy your Sort: On a piece of paper, write your words under their proper headers.

  1. Blind Sort: Write down your headers. Ask someone to shuffle the words and call them aloud as you write them into their correct categories.

  1. Sort your words.
  2. Word Hunt: Read books and write down words that you find with the same feature as your sort words (not the same words).



1.    Glue: sort your words and glue them on a piece of paper. (Due Friday!)
2.    Practice Test (Back Spell, Slap Spell, Spelling City, ask someone to call out your words) for your spelling test tomorrow!

An additional resource to practice your words:

This Assignment is due each Friday!

Bee Class Word Study Homework Additional Choice Activities

For the second nine weeks, students can choose any activity from the list below to substitute for the weekly schedule.
Activities are to be completed and turned in on Fridays. Please mark the days of completion. Ex: Monday’s Homework etc.

1.      Write your words in ABC order.
2.      Write a poem using at least 8 of your words.
3.      Create a cartoon strip using at least 8 of your words.
4.      Write your words 4 times each in different colors.
5.      Divide each word into syllables.
6.      Put your words into sentences. (One word per sentence)
7.      Type your list four times on a computer, with each list typed in a
         different font. Print it out.
8.      Look/Say/Cover/Write/Check: Look at your word. Say your word. Cover your word. Try to write your word from memory. Check to
         see if you spelled it right. Do this 2 times for each of your words.
9.      Rainbow Words: Write your words with a crayon. Trace over each word with another color. Now trace each word one more time with
         another color. DO NOT use black or brown.
10.    Ladder Words: Write each word as shown below:
11.    Ransom Words: Look through magazines and newspapers to find the letters that make each of your words. Glue them together to make your words.
12.    Using the dictionary find 10 of your words:
         a.      List the page # and 2 guide words for each.
         b.      Write the meaning for each word.
13.    Write a story using your words.
14.    Hidden words: For each word, find any hidden words. Write them down. (e.g., “that” – at, hat)
15.      Word Chunks: Find the word chunk in your word (if there is one). If you can spell that word, what other words can you spell—using that same letter pattern? Write them down. Do this for each of your words.

Spellingcity. com (located on our Portalportal: Guest: 4thbwes)
Spelling City must have parent intials for homework due on Friday!

Have fun with your Word Study Homework!

3rd Nine Weeks
Word Study Homework Schedule
(Please keep this schedule for reference)
Weekly Assignments are due on Friday!
1. Make sure your words are written in your planner.
2. Cut and Write on Your Sort: Cut your sort and sort them into the same categories you did in class. Look closely at the different features. Do you see the patterns? Write down the feature pattern on each word card. For example: If you have long vowels, write the long vowel symbol or if you have syllable breaks, write the symbol for the break along with the vowel changes. This is shown at your sort’s introduction. (Due Friday)

1. Sort: Sort your words.
2. Sentences: See how many words you can use in as few sentences as possible. The sentence can be silly but it needs to make sense as a sentence.

1. Sort your words.
2. Word Hunt: Read books and write down words that you find with the same feature as your sort words (not the same words).


3.  (Due Friday!)

1. Glue Sort: Sort your words.
2.   Practice Test: Write your words as someone calls them out to you. (Due Friday!)

Bee Class Word Study Homework Additional Choice Activities

For the third nine weeks, students can choose any activity from the list below to substitute for the weekly schedule.
Activities are to be completed and turned in on Fridays. Please mark the days of completion. Ex: Monday’s Homework etc.

1.   Sort the words by phonics- short a, short e, etc.
2.   Word Frames: Draw a letter frame around each letter in your word. Pay attention to the tall letters, short letters and letters with tails.
3.   Acrostic Spelling: Write your words in one column. On the lines next to them, write words that start with each letter in your word. (For example: shoe = sale, hat, old, end)
4.   Word Building: Take the root word of your word and add prefixes and/or suffixes to the word to build a new word. (For example: write: overwrite, writing, writer, writes, rewrite, etc.)
5.   Make a set of flashcards to help study your words.
6.   Write your words using one color for vowels and another color for consonants.
7.   Write each word in special letters. (Bubbly, squiggly, block, etc.)
8.   Write a letter to a friend using all of your words.    
9.   Write a rhyming word for each word.
10.         Design a bookmark and write your list of words on the bookmark.
11.         Write your words inside different shapes.
12.         Classify words using parts of speech. (Noun, Verb, etc.)
13.         Put your words into question or exclamation sentences. (One word per sentence) Watch your punctuation!
14.         Write each word neatly in cursive 2 times 
15.         Get CREATIVE! Create a way to practice your words and bring me proof!
Any of these days can be substituted for spellingcity. com (located on our Portalportal: Guest: 4thbwes)

Have fun with your new Word Study homework!

All Assignments are due each Friday!

4th Nine Week Homework Schedule:
(Please keep this schedule for reference)

Monday:Cut and Describe

 Cut and Describe Your Sort:  
1. Cut your sort and sort them into the same categories you did in class. Look closely at the different features. Do you see the patterns? 
2. Write complete sentences explaining your features about the pattern on each of your word cards. 
3. Also, write the feature on each card. For example: If you have long vowels, write the long vowel symbol above the vowel or if you have syllable breaks, write the symbol for the break along with the vowel changes. This is shown at your sort’s introduction.

Tuesday: Art Sort
1. Sort: Sort your words. 
2. Illustrate: Illustrate at least 10 of your words defining them or using it in an illustration. 

Example: skate

 My skate is white.

Wednesday: Match Game

1. Sort your words: Sort your words under their headers. Pay close attention to the headers. Can you sort your words by sound? Can you sort them by spelling? Do both! 

2. Match Up Game: Create a match game. Write one word on each index card and and the definition and/or sentence using the word on another card. Mix them up and match the cards together. Your Art Sort can also be used for this. One card as the illustration and the defintiion or sentence as another card.


1. Complete one activity from the additional choice activities page.

Bee Class Word Study Homework Additional Choice Activities

For the fourth nine weeks, students can choose any activity from the list below to substitute for the weekly schedule.

Any of these days can be substituted for Spelling City. Com
 (located on our Portaportal: Guest: 4thbwes)

Have fun with your new Word Study homework!

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