Monthly Math Projects

Holiday Shopping Project

You have been given $500 to buy gifts for ten different people in your life. You must decide who you want to give a gift to, what you want to buy them, and why you want to buy them this particular item. You can include a picture of this item but you must include the price and what store you found it.

Page one is your title page. This must include your name, and title of this project.

Pages 2 - 11
* A picture of the gift, either printed, drawn or colored
* The price
* The final price with the calculated sales tax of .05 or 5% of each dollar spent***
* Your math work
* Who the gift is for and why you chose this item for this person

Page 12 will show the price you spent for each item, how much money you spent all together, and how much you have left. It should show the deductions from each purchase.

Page 13 you will donate the remaining money to a charity of your choice and explain why you chose that particular charity.

***Please remember, there is a 4.5% sales tax.***

Your project will be judged on creativity, accuracy, and neatness.

Holiday Shopping Project

Final price

+ $500.00


Thanksgiving Dinner
Menu and Budget
4th Grade
November Project – Math

Please read the instructions carefully and thoroughly.

You are in charge of planning the Thanksgiving dinner for your family.
You have $100 to spend.

Step 1: Write out a menu typical for your family’s Thanksgiving celebration. You may consult your family for details. You may include whatever your family want/can afford but it must include:
One meat (vegetarians add a vegetable or protein item)
One vegetable
Two side dishes
One dessert
One beverage

Calculate how many people will be eating at your feast? You do not need to purchase items such as condiments, dishes, silverware etc. It is understood that your house will already have items such as seasonings, flour, sugar, etc.

Under each menu item, include a list of ingredients needed.
For example:
Mashed Potatoes
5 lb. bag of potatoes

Step 2: Calculate the amount of turkey/ham per person. Typically 2lbs. per person is needed. (This amount gives you leftovers) How long will it take to cook? This is where you will show your math.

Step 3: List all the items you need to shop for on your budget paper and list the price of each item. “Shop” at different grocery stores and compare prices. You might fins an item at a better/cheaper price which affords you more money to buy more food for your family or a special dessert.

Step 4: Include the store from where the items were purchased and the amount they cost.

This is a Thanksgiving Meal Book so it needs to have a front and back cover.

Happy Meal Planning!

Step 5: Write a summary of the experience. Use the following questions as a guide.
·     Did you have to make menu changes because of the limited budget?
·     Do you think $100 is a lot for one dinner?
·     Did you enjoy planning the meal?
·     Will you actually help with your Thanksgiving dinner?
·     Does your family do a “potluck”?
·     Will you actually grocery shop with your parents for your Thanksgiving feast?
·     Do you go out to dinner for Thanksgiving?
·     Does your meal at your home cost more than $100?


Name____________                     Date________

Million Dollar Project

 Congratulations! You have been given the gift of one million dollars. You should spend or invest most if not all of it.

Rules to follow:

Maximum amount to spend on a home is half a million, cannot exceed $200,000.00 on a car, and not to exceed $100,000.00 on any particular item. You cannot purchase more than three of each kind of item.

Must do the following:

1. Minimum of 10 items purchased
2. Put money away for college.
3. Buy 1 home not over limit; no other real estate adventures.
4. Donate to your favorite charity.
5. Keep a running tally of expenses and round the total amount on each item to the nearest dollar.
6. Find pictures and/or prices from the newspaper, flyers, magazines, catalogs, etc. for the things you buy put in collage or some type visual.
7. Put down the price and total each sheet of paper on the checkbook paper given.
8. Place everything in a decorative folder including rubric for day of presentation.


Million Dollar Project Rubric


___/10 pts       Minimum of 10 items purchased

___/5pts         Put money away for college and donate to your favorite charity.

___/ 5pts        Buy 1 home not over limit no other real estate adventures.

___/50pts       Keep a running tally of expenses and round the total amount on each item to the nearest dollar. Put down the price and total each sheet of paper on the checkbook paper given.

___/20pts       Find pictures and/or prices from the newspaper, flyers, magazines, catalogs, etc. for the things you buy put in collage or some type visual.

___/5pts         Present visual and expense/ checkbook sheet

___/5pts         Place everything in a decorative folder, including rubric for day of presentation.

Total Grade

Teacher Comments:

Expense Sheet

Item description

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